The fastest way to create fame is to become the version of you who already has it.

So you want to be famous?

Here’s what you DON’T need to hit your next level of fame and impact:

  • Better headshots

  • An agent or record label

  • A new social media strategy

All of those are distractions from the work that will really make a difference…

Shifting your energy.

What most creatives don’t realize is that discipline and talent aren’t enough.

You can be the most talented, hard-working person in your industry, but until you become the person who people want to say yes to, your results will stay stagnant.

Why? Because being seen is scary, and our brains haven’t evolved to handle Instagram and Hollywood. It’s safer to stay on the sidelines. To make yourself small, so you won’t be judged or kicked out of your tribe. 

But if you want to create a real impact, you need to train your brain to feel safe in the spotlight. You need to tap into Celebrity Energy.

Celebrity Energy (noun).

The energy you exude when you're comfortable being seen and heard. That elusive It Factor that turns heads in the street, that makes people sit up and notice you

All celebrities have it—from Marilyn Monroe to Beyonce and Taylor Swift. But the best part is, you don’t need to be born with this inner magnetism. Celebrity Energy is a skill you can learn. I know because I've done it myself and taught thousands of others how to do it too.

Now it’s your turn.

Choose your path:


Rewire your subconscious and tap into Celebrity Energy to turn your passion into a platform.


Work with me to become a Self-Made Celebrity and attract the fame, success, and opportunities you were meant for in my 6-month mentorship program, where your results are guaranteed.


Private coaching for those who have already reached the top of the fame mountain and are wondering what’s next.

Get coached in person

Join a high-vibe group of creatives for an unforgettable few days of coaching, community, and luxury travel.

Hear from my clients:

This is how you become unmissable.

Celebrity Energy makes you a magnet for attention and opportunity.

Lori hit 100k followers on TikTok within 6 weeks of working together.

Morgan landed her first $15k brand deal within 2 weeks.

Brendon was featured on the Drew Barrymore show.

All of them walked away with a complete identity shift upgrade…and fame followed naturally.

Celebrity Identity Development


Celebrity Coach & Your New Biggest Cheerleader

For years, I was the poster child of a struggling actor, waking up at 4am everyday to drag myself to auditions and wait to hear back from casting directors. 

But that one magic “yes” never came. Over and over again, I was told that I had talent but lacked the It Factor. So I decided to take things into my own hands.

I became obsessed with the It Factor—figuring out what it is and how to tap into it on demand. When I learned to embody Celebrity Energy, everything changed. 

I signed with a top Hollywood agency. I booked high-paying and creatively fulfilling work and won awards around the world.

Since then, I’ve made it my mission to help good-hearted creatives like you become Self-Made Celebrities. I’ve helped thousands of artists stop looking for validation from gatekeepers and create their own success.

Booking your dream role, attracting a massive following, becoming a household name…it all starts with tapping into your innate Celebrity Energy.


Change your identity, change your results.

Not sure which container is the right fit? Reach out below and my team and I will help you make the best decision for you!